
Faculty Members - Department of Business Administration

Click on the faculty member's name to see more detailed information.

Name Faculty memberʼs area of expertise and PhD research project achievements
AOKI, Hiroshi History of business, industry and technology in Japan and other countries
CAO, Jin Sustainability Accounting, Ecological Accounting, Environmental Accounting
FUTAGAMI, Shiho Study on Strategic Human Resource Management, Comparative Study on Strategic Human Resource Development between Europe, U.S. and Japan, Study on Contingent Worker, Study on Female Career Development, Study on Mobility of Human Resources, Study on D&I (Diversity and Inclusion)
GOSHIMA, Keiichi Empirical Finance, Data Science, Natural Language Processing
GUO, Peijun Decision Sciences, Operations research, Management sciences
HARA, Toshio Financial Accounting Theory and History
ITOH, Yuki Study of financial market, security, and risk on the basis of
statistical and probabilistic approach
IZUMI, Hiroyuki Principles of Financial Accounting
JIKUYA, Yasutaka Entrepreneurship, cultural entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship, art/design thinking, Research related to business creation, regional development, and social implementation of innovation
KIMIJIMA, Mikiko Qualitative research on management accounting and cost accounting, interdisciplinary research on management accounting and marketing, and research on the implementation of management accounting systems
KIMURA, Akihisa Empirical (archival) research in financial accounting

Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles)
  • “Whether Longer Annual Reports Are Better: Evidence From Annual Reports Issued By Foreign Firms Listed On The US Stock Exchange” (In English) 2019.9

  • “The Effect of Accounting Fraud on Stock Price: An Empirical Evidence from its Pre-revelation to Post-restatement Periods” (In Japanese) 2020.3
  • KISHI, Naoko Industry analysis
    KOBAYASHI, Masayoshi Social, psychological and cultural aspects of language use; sociolinguistics; linguistic pragmatics
    KONO, Hideko Suppliers’ Organizational Capabilities and Competitive Advantage
    KUMON, Kurato The history of Big Business in Pre War Japan
    KURATA,Hisashi Modeling analysis in the management information in a supply chain, marketing-operations interfaces, and service operations
    MAEYAMA, Nobuyuki audit of financial statements and internal control
    MATSUI, Akira Computational Social Science
    MANABE, Seiji Open Strategy & Open Innovation, Interfirm Trust, Interorganizational Learning, Supplier System, Lean Product Development
    MORITA, Hiroshi Asset pricing, term structure of interest rates
    MOTOHASHI, Eiji Marketing Science, Business Data Science

    Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles)
  • “A Method for Analyzing the Contribution of Mobile Advertising Effectiveness through the Integration of Computer Vision and Machine Learning” (In Japanese) 2022.3

  • “A Comparative Analysis of Topic Models within a Product Class: Insights from User generated Content from Reddit on Gaming Hardware (Tentative Title)” (In English) ongoing
  • NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki Capital budgeting, Cost management for service, Control system for foreign subsidiaries in Japanese MNCs
    OGAWA, Shin-ichi Qualitative research in Japanese employment systems, qualitative research in Japanese production systems, and qualitative research in employment and work

    Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles)
  • “Quality Initiatives (QIs) Institutionalization in Malaysia: Comparative Study between Japanese and Malaysian Manufacturing Companies” (In English) 2022.9
  • OMORI, Akira Macro-accounting (National accounting), Environmental accounting and reporting, Sustainability accounting and reporting, and Public sector accounting
    ONUMA, Masaya Construction and diffusion of "Knowledge" in innovation process. User
    innovation through "cooperation".
    OTAKA, Satoru Accounting Measurement and Disclosure, Accounting Standards
    SAITO, Shinya Financial Accounting
    SASAKI, Hidetsuna Organizational Behavior, Organizational Psychology
    SUN, Ying Environmental management of Japanese and Chinese companies for solving climate change, waste and energy problems, Green supply chain management, environmental problems in Japan and China
    SUZUKI, Sadami Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Customer Value Creation, Customer Satisfaction
    TADA, Rei Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior
    TAKAHASHI, Masaru Performance evaluation, profit planning, theory of cost accounting, cost
    allocation (direct costing, ABC)
    TAKAI, Ayako Strategic Management, Innovation Management
    TAKASU, Yusuke Empirical research on financial accounting and corporate finance
    TAKEUCHI, Ryosuke International Business History (History of Multinational Enterprises)
    TANABU, Motonari Simulation & Gaming methodologies for designing and evaluating information systems.

    Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles)
  • “The effectiveness of surrogate decision maker method in business simulation game” (In English) 2014.9

  • “From workplace to anyplace: telework in China - based on a mixed method research” (in English) 2015.9

  • “Impact of absorptive capacity on achieving congruence between environmental uncertainty and organizational mechanisms: a contingency view on Japanese manufacturing and service industries” (in English) 2020.9

  • “Design principles for algorithmic accountability: an elaborated action design research” (in English) 2021.9

  • “Continuous improvement: antecedents, moderators, and performance effects” (in English) 2023.3

  • “Enhancing financial inclusion for Japan's elderly population through digital banks and digital payments (tentative title)” (In English) ongoing

  • “Factors influencing the knowledge-mediating activities of individuals in formal organization and community of practice” (In Japanese) ongoing

  • “Interconstitutive relationship between humans and autonomous robots in the workplace (tentative title)” (In Japanese) ongoing

  • “Medical doctors' strategies for responding to patients' reviews on online patient-doctor communication platforms (tentative title)” (In English) ongoing
  • TSURUMI, Hiroyuki Studies on the distribution and marketing using quantitative method
    YACHI, Hiroyasu Marketing Strategy in the ICT industry, Technology Marketing
    YAMAOKA, Toru Organizational change management. Exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity in organizations.

    Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles)
  • “A Study on Project Brand Building for Resource Mobilization - Focusing on New Projects Driven by the Field” (In Japanese) 2016.3.

  • “Research on the Penetration Process of Educational Philosophy in a Teacher Organization - Analysis Based on a Quantitative and Qualitative Survey of a Private Middle and High School” (In Japanese) 2017.9.

  • “The Effects of Emotional Labor on Human Service Organization - Quantitative analyses of the Interacting Effects of Emotional Labor with Psychological Contract Violation, Role Conflict, and Role Ambiguity” (In English) 2018.3.

  • “A Quantitative Study regarding Work-life Balance among Research and Development Employees - Focus on the Analysis of the Relationship with Job Involvement, Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment” (In Japanese) 2022.9.

  • “Do Top Management Teams Affect Business Performance? -Rethinking Upper Echelons Theory for Japanese Firms (Tentative title)” (In Japanese) ongoing.
  • YANG, Yunyue Organizational Behavior, International Human Resource Management, and Cross-Cultural Management
    YOKOZAWA, Kodo Behavioral operations management, Influence of a personal trait and state on the operational performance, kaizen and lean management.

    Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles)
  • “Factors influencing individual opportunism in business-to-business exchange: Empirical research in Japanese manufacturing companies” (In English) 2022.9

  • “Antecedents and impact of a sense of urgency on employees’ behaviour and performance: Empirical research in Japanese manufacturing companies” (In English) 2023.9

  • “Concept, theoretical foundation, and significance of management sensitivity (Tentative title)” (In English) ongoing
  • YOKOTA, Kazuki Research on R&D organizations from the perspective of RBV (e.g., effects of reallocation, in&out-flow of human capital, and R&D strategies on innovation outcomes, etc.)

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