Faculty Members - Department of Business Administration
Click on the faculty member's name to see more detailed information.
Name | Faculty memberʼs area of expertise and PhD research project achievements |
AOKI, Hiroshi | History of business, industry and technology in Japan and other countries |
CAO, Jin | Sustainability Accounting, Ecological Accounting, Environmental Accounting |
FUTAGAMI, Shiho | Study on Strategic Human Resource Management, Comparative Study on Strategic Human Resource Development between Europe, U.S. and Japan, Study on Contingent Worker, Study on Female Career Development, Study on Mobility of Human Resources, Study on D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) |
GOSHIMA, Keiichi | Empirical Finance, Data Science, Natural Language Processing |
GUO, Peijun | Decision Sciences, Operations research, Management sciences |
HARA, Toshio | Financial Accounting Theory and History |
ITOH, Yuki | Study of financial market, security, and risk on the basis of statistical and probabilistic approach |
IZUMI, Hiroyuki | Principles of Financial Accounting |
JIKUYA, Yasutaka | Entrepreneurship, cultural entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship, art/design thinking, Research related to business creation, regional development, and social implementation of innovation |
KIMIJIMA, Mikiko | Qualitative research on management accounting and cost accounting, interdisciplinary research on management accounting and marketing, and research on the implementation of management accounting systems |
KIMURA, Akihisa | Empirical (archival) research in financial accountingResearch supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles) |
KISHI, Naoko | Industry analysis |
KOBAYASHI, Masayoshi | Social, psychological and cultural aspects of language use; sociolinguistics; linguistic pragmatics |
KONO, Hideko | Suppliers’ Organizational Capabilities and Competitive Advantage |
KUMON, Kurato | The history of Big Business in Pre War Japan |
KURATA,Hisashi | Modeling analysis in the management information in a supply chain, marketing-operations interfaces, and service operations |
MAEYAMA, Nobuyuki | audit of financial statements and internal control |
MATSUI, Akira | Computational Social Science |
MANABE, Seiji | Open Strategy & Open Innovation, Interfirm Trust, Interorganizational Learning, Supplier System, Lean Product Development |
MORITA, Hiroshi | Asset pricing, term structure of interest rates |
MOTOHASHI, Eiji | Marketing Science, Business Data ScienceResearch supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles) |
NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki | Capital budgeting, Cost management for service, Control system for foreign subsidiaries in Japanese MNCs |
OGAWA, Shin-ichi | Qualitative research in Japanese employment systems, qualitative research in Japanese production systems, and qualitative research in employment and workResearch supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles) |
OMORI, Akira | Macro-accounting (National accounting), Environmental accounting and reporting, Sustainability accounting and reporting, and Public sector accounting |
ONUMA, Masaya | Construction and diffusion of "Knowledge" in innovation process. User innovation through "cooperation". |
OTAKA, Satoru | Accounting Measurement and Disclosure, Accounting Standards |
SAITO, Shinya | Financial Accounting |
SASAKI, Hidetsuna | Organizational Behavior, Organizational Psychology |
SUN, Ying | Environmental management of Japanese and Chinese companies for solving climate change, waste and energy problems, Green supply chain management, environmental problems in Japan and China |
SUZUKI, Sadami | Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Customer Value Creation, Customer Satisfaction |
TADA, Rei | Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior |
TAKAHASHI, Masaru | Performance evaluation, profit planning, theory of cost accounting, cost allocation (direct costing, ABC) |
TAKAI, Ayako | Strategic Management, Innovation Management |
TAKASU, Yusuke | Empirical research on financial accounting and corporate finance |
TAKEUCHI, Ryosuke | International Business History (History of Multinational Enterprises) |
TANABU, Motonari | Simulation & Gaming methodologies for designing and evaluating information systems.Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles) |
TSURUMI, Hiroyuki | Studies on the distribution and marketing using quantitative method |
YACHI, Hiroyasu | Marketing Strategy in the ICT industry, Technology Marketing |
YAMAOKA, Toru | Organizational change management. Exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity in organizations.Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles) |
YANG, Yunyue | Organizational Behavior, International Human Resource Management, and Cross-Cultural Management |
YOKOZAWA, Kodo | Behavioral operations management, Influence of a personal trait and state on the operational performance, kaizen and lean management.Research supervision achievements and ongoing research project in the PhD program (Dissertation titles) |
YOKOTA, Kazuki | Research on R&D organizations from the perspective of RBV (e.g., effects of reallocation, in&out-flow of human capital, and R&D strategies on innovation outcomes, etc.) |